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Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011, 13:38

Mann durchbricht mit Jeep durch Flughafenzaun! ( Cork, Irland )

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Man remanded in custody on charge relating to hijacking of SUV at airport
A MAN charged with hijacking an SUV at Cork Airport on Sunday last, has been remanded in custody after he appeared in court yesterday in connection with the incident.
Edmond Stapleton (37), a native of Dublin Hill in Cork city but currently of no fixed abode, was brought before Cork District Court yesterday amid tight security involving up to 12 gardaí including armed members of the Regional Support Unit.
Mr Stapleton was charged with two offences arising out of the incident including that he took a Garda Traffic Corps SUV at Patrick Street on May 22nd, 2011, without the consent of An Garda Síochána.
He was also charged with a second offence of hijacking a Cork Airport fire service SUV on the same day by seizing the vehicle after threatening two members of the airport police, John McCarthy and Michael Delaney, when armed with a knife.
Mr Stapleton, who had a cut over the right eye, was brought across the court car park at Cork District Court for his court appearance. “I’m bruised but I’m not broken,” he shouted as he was escorted into court by gardaí.
Garda John McSweeney gave evidence of arrest, charge and caution and told the court that Mr Stapleton replied, “I understand exactly what you are saying” to the stealing charge and “I understand completely” to the hijacking charge.
Insp Michael Maguire said gardaí were seeking a remand in custody for a week for the DPP’s directions and Mr Stapleton’s solicitor, Frank Buttimer, said his client was consenting and would not be making any application for bail.
Mr Buttimer also asked Judge David Riordan to convey to the governor of Cork Prison that Mr Stapleton had certain medical needs and that all necessary medical treatment should be made available to him.

Das hätte ins Auge gehen können, wenn der in den Airbus reingerauscht wäre...... :punk:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011, 20:03

Jau... :shocked: Das hätte ordentlich knallen können ...

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