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Sonntag, 7. September 2008, 21:57

Der Trans-Atlantik-Rekord der SR 71

Bilder- und Textquelle!


New York to London SR-71 Speed Run

On September 1, 1974 Major James V. Sullivan, 37 (pilot) and Noel F. Widdifield, 33 (reconnaissance systems officer) (photo inset), flashed across the starting line (radar gates in New York) at approximately 80,000 feet and speed in excess of 2,000 miles per hour. Exactly 1 hour 54 minutes and 56.4 seconds later, they had set a new world speed record from New York to London England. The average speed was 1,807 statute mph over the 3,461 statute mile course, slowing to refuel one time from a specially modified KC-135 refueling tanker. The aircraft was placed on static display at Farnborough Air Show for 1 week. It marked the first time the secret plane had been on public display outside of the United States.

Another historic speed record was set on the return trip to the United States. Capt Harold B. Adams, 31 (pilot), and Major William Machorek, 32 (reconnaissance systems operator), set a speed record from London to Los Angeles. They returned the Blackbird 5,447 statute miles in 3 hours 47 minutes and 39 seconds for an average speed of 1,435 miles per hour. The difference in the two speed records was due to refueling requirements and having to slow over major US cities. Even so a large number of people in Los Angeles reported broken windows due to the sonic boom.


London to Los Angeles
On Sept. 13, 1974, Capt. Harold B. (Buck) Adams, Pilot, with Maj. Williams C. Machorek, Reconnaissance
Systems Operator, flew the SR-71 Blackbird across seven time zones from London to Los Angeles in a race
with the sun. The 3 hour, 47 minute and 39 second flight established a record over the 5,447 statute mile route but an added aerial refueling over the longer distance produced a slower ground speed of 1,435 mph. The aircraft arrived (by California time) almost four hours before its London-time departure. For their record-setting flights, the pilots received the De La Vaulx medal given by Federal Aeronautique Internationale. The medal is awarded to individuals for establishing absolute world records for highest performance without regard to size of aircraft or power plant.

Und diese Rekorde stehen immer noch!

Und der Flieger wurde vor 50 jahren entwickelt!

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)



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Sonntag, 7. September 2008, 22:17

Naja, ich denke mal, heutzutage sieht man keinen Sinn darin, solche Flugzeuge zu entwickeln. Sprit ist halt teuer...


Sonntag, 7. September 2008, 22:28


Original von ferrari2k
Naja, ich denke mal, heutzutage sieht man keinen Sinn darin, solche Flugzeuge zu entwickeln. Sprit ist halt teuer...

Es ging ja auch nicht um die Wirtschaftlichkeit, geht es heute auch nicht, die Aufklärungsflieger sind ein wenig wie Formel1-Wagen... Schnell und unwirtschaftlich...

Ich glaube sogar, dass die SR71 ein Prestigeobjekt war, auch wenn die USA das nicht so sehen will...

In die Geschichte eingegangen ist der BlackBird sowieso...



Dirk 8)

Flusitechnisch nun in den Rentenstatus gewechselt


Sonntag, 7. September 2008, 22:33


Original von ferrari2k
Naja, ich denke mal, heutzutage sieht man keinen Sinn darin, solche Flugzeuge zu entwickeln. Sprit ist halt teuer...

Es geht da wahrscheinlich weniger um den Sprit, als um die Leistungsfähigkeit!
Diese Rekorde waren nix anderes als eine offizeille Deklassierung der Sovietunion......

Denn die MIG 25 war bei weitem nicht in der Lage, eine Bedrohung für die Blackbird darzustellen..


A Mig-25 or Mig-31 has never fired a missile at an SR-71.

2. SR-71 Pilots state that the Mig-25/31 never posed a serious threat to their aircraft.

3. The Mig-25 can only sustain Mach 2.8 for a short duration due to engine overheat.

4. The Mig-25 can only sustain an altitude of 78,740 feet for two minutes maximum.

5. In 1973, Kelly Johnson, designer of the SR-71 Blackbird, stated that the Mig-25 Foxbat has the inherent capability to outperform the SR only in maneuverability. However, he stated, it would be the missile and not the aircraft that would require the maneuverability to intercept a Blackbird.

6. The SR-71 routinely cruised at Mach 3.2 in continuous afterburner at 80-85,000 feet. The speed and altitude of an SR-71 coupled with superior Defensive electronics has prevented any intended intercept of the Blackbird either by land based missiles or airborne Interceptor threats.

7. Almost all SR-71 Blackbird Reconnaissance Aircraft are now in Museums throughout the United States, having flown for 32 years with the distinction of being the "The highest flying and fastest air breathing aircraft in the world".

Belegt wurde das durch die Aussagen von Lt. Viktor Ivanovich Belenko!


In search of Freedom, on September 06, 1976 Lt. Viktor Ivanovich Belenko piloted his Mig-25 (USSR Product #84) from the 513th Fighter Regiment at the Siberian Base of Sakharovka, Soviet Air Defense Command and defected to the United States. He landing the Mig-25 in Japan under adverse weather conditions. No Westerner had ever been close to a Mig-25 and much about the aircraft were unknown. It was the one plane most feared in the West. In 1973, US. Air Force Secretary Robert C. Seamans deemed the Mig-25 as "Probably the best interceptor in production in the world today". In 1967 a stripped down Mig-25 set a world record by achieving a speed of 1,852 MPH and another aircraft set the altitude record by soaring to 118,898 feet. Lt Viktor Belenko with very low fuel landed his Mig-25 at Hakodate Airport in northern Japan, running off the end of the short runway. His defection to the West gave the United States the opportunity to closely examine the Mig-25. The aircraft was completely dismantled and then carefully inspected by aviation scientists and engineers from both Japan and the United States. President Ford granted Belenko asylum in the United States and the pilot underwent five months of questioning and interrogation. The United States Government established a Trust Fund for him and the interest alone afforded Belenko very comfortable living in the U.S. He was a free man, at last, to do as he pleased.
Upon dismantling the Mig-25, the data was analyzed by the Foreign Technology Division of the Air Force at Dayton, Ohio. There were many surprises:

* The Mig had been manufactured in February 1976 and thus was one of their latest most sophisticated production aircraft.
* Transistor circuitry was not used but instead the Soviets relied on vacuum tubes for most of their electronics. The Soviets reasoned the vacuum tubes were less affected by EMP waves in the case of nuclear attack; were more resistant to temperature extremes and they were easy to replace in remote airfields where transistors may not be readily available if repairs were needed.
* Welding was done by hand.
* Rivet heads were exposed in areas not critical to parasitic aerodynamic drag.
* Pilot forward vision was highly obstructed.
* With huge Tumansky R-15D-300 engines the Mig was considered almost a rocket.
* Pilots were forbidden to exceed Mach 2.5. There was a total of three engine instruments and the airspeed indicator was redlined at 2.8 Mach.
* Above Mach 2.8 the engines would overheat and burn up. The Americans had clocked a Mig-25 over Israel at Mach 3.2 in 1973. Upon landing in Egypt, the engines were totally destroyed. We did not understand that the engine destruction was inevitable.
* The combat radius is 186 miles.
* Without using afterburner; staying at optimum altitude and not maneuvering, the Mig can fly in a straight line for 744 miles.
* The plane was so heavy at 64,200 pounds, that according to early rumors Soviet designers had to eliminate a pilot ejection system. However this was disproved. Most MiG-25s used the KM-1 ejector seat. The last versions used an early variant of the famous K-36 seat. The speed record for the fastest successful ejection (Mach 2.67) is held by a KM-1 equipped MiG-25.
* Maximum operational altitude: Carrying two missiles, 78,740 feet (for maximum two minutes duration); carrying four missiles, 68,900 feet is maximum.
* Maximum altitude of missiles: 88,588 feet.
* Ability to intercept an SR-71: Belenko states the Mig-25 cannot intercept the SR-71 for several reasons: The SR-71 fly too high and too fast; the Mig cannot reach it or catch it. The missiles lack the velocity to overtake the SR-71 and in the event of a head on missile fire (The Golden BB), the Guidance system cannot adjust to the high closure rate of the SR-71.
* The Mig-25 has a jam proof radar but cannot distinguish targets below 1,640 feet due to ground clutter. The radar was so powerful it could burn through jamming signals by approaching bombers.
* Maximum G load: With full fuel tanks 2.2 G's is max; with near empty fuel tanks, 5 G's is dangerous. The Mig-25 cannot turn inside a U.S. F-4 Phantom fighter!
* The plane was made of steel alloy, not high temperature titanium, although strips of titanium was used in areas of high heat concentration.
* In a tight turn the missiles could be ripped from the wings.
* The Mig-25 was was not a fighter or an air superiority aircraft but rather designed by the Soviets to climb at tremendous speeds, fire missiles at one pass of the target and then land.
* Search and tracking radar had a range of 55.9 miles.
* The pilot duties were to take off, turn on the auto pilot and await instructions to fire the missiles from ground controllers. The Mig-25 had a superb auto pilot and digital communications from an onboard computer to ground controllers.
* Credit is given to the Soviets for building a high altitude Interceptor in a short period of time with the materials and engines available to them in 1967 in order to counter the perceived threat of the XB-70.

On November 12, 1976, sixty-seven days after the defection of Belenko and his Mig-25 to the West, the United States and Japan returned the Mig-25 to dismantled pieces.

Und die mancherorts kolpotierte SR 72 wird zu so etwas bestimmt in der Lage sein, wenn man den Leistungsstand der SR 71 in Betracht zieht!

Und Information ist wichtiger, als Spritverbrauch, wenn man in verteidigungspolitischen Dimensionen denkt!

Bilder- und Textquelle!

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Sonntag, 7. September 2008, 22:40

Sieht so die SR 72 aus??


I spoke to an extremely reliable source who told me that the huge new hangar at Groom Lake is for a Mach 6 hypersonic UCAV that has spun off from the hypersonic Falcon project. The source told me that this is to be a system that will have both ISR and attack versions and it is being made at Lockheed's Skunk Works. Support equipment has already arrived at Groom Lake along with operator flight sim workstations, etc. T
Bilder- und Textquelle


Ten years after the Air Force retired the SR-71 spy plane, Lockheed Martin’s legendary Skunk Works appears to be back at work developing a new Mach-6 reconnaissance plane, sources said. The Air Force has awarded Lockheed’s Advanced Development Projects arm a top-secret contract to develop a stealthy 4,000-mph plane capable of flying to altitudes of about 100,000 feet, with transcontinental range. The plan is to debut the craft around 2020. The new jet — being referred to by some as the SR-72 — is likely to be unmanned and, while intended for reconnaissance, could eventually trade its sensors for weapons. The new aircraft would offer a combination of speed, altitude and stealth that could make it virtually impervious to ground-based missiles, sources said. Even the SR-71 is said to have evaded hundreds of missiles fired at it during its long career, although some aircraft sustained minor damage. But experts say enormous challenges remain. First, the SR-71’s top speed was about 2,200 mph. Pushing a plane at twice that speed in the thin air of the upper stratosphere would require exceptionally powerful engines. Second, friction at high speeds could reduce stealth. “An aircraft with these characteristics could prove a potent response to anti-satellite weapons,” said Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute. “If U.S. reconnaissance satellites were lost, an SR-72 could get to areas of interest quickly and provide persistent surveillance in place of the satellite.” And don’t bother asking the Air Force or Skunk Works executives about their work. None is commenting. “As a matter of policy, we don’t talk about classified programs — whether or not they exist,” Lockheed’s Tom Jurkowsky said.


"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Montag, 30. November 2009, 00:02

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011, 17:05


"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Freitag, 25. Februar 2011, 08:39

Mal hier ein paar Informationen und Bilder über das verwendete Triebwerk!Das famose J 58

Schaut mal hier die tailpipe glüht:

Exzessives Infomaterial über das Triebwerk ist hier!

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Dritter im Cockpit

wcf.user.posts: 1 531

Wohnort: EDHD / EDDE

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Freitag, 25. Februar 2011, 09:23

Danke für die Info! :thumb:

Das Interessante am J58 der Blackbird ist ja, dass es sich im Grunde um ein variable-cycle-Triebwerk handelt. Bei Geschwindigkeiten bis etwa Mach 3 wird ausschließlich der Turbojet genutzt, während im Geschwindigkeitsbereich darüber mithilfe des beweglichen Kegels im Triebwerkseinlass ein Teil des Luftstromes am Turbojet vorbei in den hinteren Teil der Triebwerksgondel geleitet wird, der als Staustrahltriebwerk fungiert. Bei Mach 3,2 wird dann auf diese Weise 80 % des Schubs generiert.
mit Fliegergrüßen,
Jan / Flugingenieur

Coolermaster CM 690 II USB3 | Thermaltake Toughpower Grand 650 W | msi Z77A-GD65 | Intel Core i5 3570K OC @ 4x 4,2 GHz | Scythe Mugen III | Kingston HyperX blu 8 GB RAM | Gainward GeForce GTX 670 Phantom 2048 MB | Samsung 830 SSD 128 GB [OS] | Samsung 830 SSD 256 GB [FS] | Seagate Barracuda 1 TB HDD [Daten] | Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bits)



wcf.user.posts: 702

Wohnort: near approach EDDK 32L

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Montag, 28. Februar 2011, 12:48

...vielleicht ein bißchen "off-topic", aber in dem Zusammenhang trotzdem sehenswert....

RC SR-71 with jet-engines



Freitag, 27. September 2013, 11:23

Hier sprechen Piloten der Blackbird!




"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Samstag, 28. September 2013, 20:33

Ergänzend zu Balus toller Zusammenstellung möchte ich euch auf eine Zusammenfassung des SR 71-Einsatzes über Vietnam (in deutsch) durch einen Fachmann hinweisen, auch wenn niemals eine solche Maschine abgeschossen wurde. Er diskutiert die Umstände, Bedingungen, Ursachen etc. derart interessant, dass es sich auch heute noch lohnt, sie zu lesen: Drosseln

Dabei untersucht der Autor Möglichkeiten der Zielauffassung, Zielerfassung, des Trackings in verschiedenen Betriebsarten der Raketenleitstation und Möglichkeiten der Vernichtung der SR 71.
Sein Fazit:


SR 71 lassen sich mit dem Fla Raketenkomplex S 75 DWINA und der Fla Rakete 20D ( W755 Ð’-755 20Д ) mit Vernichtungszone 7 - 43 Km und 3 - 30 Km Höhe) bekämpfen. Die Vernichtungswahrscheinlichkeit beträgt bei optimalen Bedingungen des Schiessens (!) 70 % .
Die Zeiten zur Zielsuche , Auffassung , Tracking und Feuereröffnung mit 3 Fla Raketen sind zeitlich begrenzt.
Die vietnamesischen Streitkräften haben nicht wahllos auf Flugzeuge vom Typ SR 71 gehandelt.

In der Zeitschrift Fliegerrevue gab's mal eine Leserzuschrift eines ehemaligen Radaroperateurs der NVA, der berichtete, dass mit dem Start jeder SR 71 in England in Richtung Ostsee eine MiG-25 als Eskorte auf dem Schirm erschien, die aus der DDR mit hoher Geschwindigkeit dem errechneten Treffpunkt zustrebte. Ferner seien die SR 71 häufig als „Trainings- und Prüfobjekte“ für die Radar-Mannschaften "benutzt" worden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
von 53.624474,11.418816

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »mabae« (28. September 2013, 20:35)


Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013, 12:09

In der neuesten Ausgabe der "Fliegerrevue eXtra" (Sonder- und Ergänzungsreihe der "FliegerRevue") gibt es anläßlich des 50.Jahrestages des Erstfluges der MiG-25 einige sehr interessante Beiträge, u.a. auch über die oben angesprochenen "Begleit"flüge der SR-71.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
von 53.624474,11.418816


Samstag, 11. Oktober 2014, 10:55



"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015, 01:57

Ein Rekord der nie gebrochen wird:


Gear Down bei 3.2 Mach. Respekt!

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)