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Donnerstag, 16. August 2007, 09:37

Xtreme Prototypes - X-15 Fs9/FSX


Die X-15 dürfte jedem ein Begriff sein. :yes:

Bild von Xtreme Prototypes

Nun haben die Jungs von Xtreme Prototypes diese Legende für den Fs2004 und den FSX veröffentlicht. :luxhello:

Es gibt drei verschiedene Modelle/Packs.Die X-15-1 , X-15A-2 , X-15-2/3.Jedes einzelne Modell besteht aus über 300 Teile und zeigt über 60 verschiedene Animationen. :thumb:

Die X-15 gibt es jeweils für $34.99 USD für die CD - und $27.99 USD für die Download -Version.

Hier ein Paar Infos bei Wikipedia... KLICK

Hier gehts zur Homepage mit vielen Videos, Bildern und Infos... KLICK



Samstag, 19. April 2008, 09:35


Xtreme Prototypes präsentiert uns die Version 1.1 der X-15-1.

Diesmal mit Virtuellem Cockpit :luxhello:


• Custom X-15 flight model to simulate rocket-powered high-speed and high-altitude flight in FSX and FS2004:
o Supersonic flight up to Mach 4.65 in FSX and FS2004
o High-altitude flight up to 354,200 feet in FSX (100,000 feet in FS2004)
o Can be launched from a high altitude like the real X-15 or take off from the ground like other Flight Simulator aircraft
o Good maneuvrability at supersonic speeds and excellent gliding capabilities
• Highly detailed 3D models with more than 300 parts, 60 animations, reflective textures and unique markings, based on archive material
• Fully functional 2D instrument panels with 240 custom gauges and systems to simulate almost every step and procedure required in a typical X-15 mission
NEW! Fully functional 3D virtual cockpits with over 900 parts and nearly 200 animated gauges, switches, levers, light indicators and flight instruments
NEW! New VC switches, control sticks, handles and levers
NEW! Multiple side views for the main 2D panel
NEW An automatic ignition sequence to start the X-15 engine at the touch of a single “magic” red button
NEW! New cockpit spotlights (VC and exterior model)
NEW! Ten camera definitions or views (FSX only), some of them corresponding to the real-world X-15 external bug-eye cameras
NEW! New X-15 custom sound sets for FSX and FS2004
NEW! New “invisible” canopy mode to fly the X-15 without her clamshell-type canopy on for more visibility and a spectacular view from the VC
NEW! Twelve saved flights based on X-15 historical missions to simulate a high-altitude launch from a carrier aircraft or a takeoff from the ground
• Spectacular visual special effects including rocket engine flames, APU exhaust and propellant jettison effects
• A custom fuel management system with three different types of propellants (water-alcohol or ammonia, liquid oxygen and hydrogen peroxide) and pressurized helium or nitrogen, like in the real-world X-15 rocket plane
NEW! A comprehensive 100-page user manual and a 20-page VC manual inspired from the original X-15 utility flight manuals, in a printable PDF format (English and French language versions are included with the software)

Für die Käufer der alten Version ist dieses Update kostenlos.

Für alle anderen ist die X-15 , entweder als CD-Box oder Download, für 34.99 $ hier erhältlich.

Und nun ein paar schmucke Bilder des Cockpits :thumb:



Mehr Bilder: KLICK

VC Anleitung: KLICK

Kurzes Video (FSX) : KLICK

Langes Video (FSX) : KLICK


Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2008, 09:13


Avsim hat die X-15 getestet....

...zum Review