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Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010, 12:27

CVN-68 North Sea


Schaut Euch mal an was Dietmar Loleit bei AVSIM raufgestellt hat :)


CVN68_Carrier_North Sea_V1

File Description:
This scenery is based on the great CVN 68 Nimitz carrier model from Javier Fernandez. The scenery shall replace my current CVN 75 scenery in the North Sea. The scenery includes the following scenery elements, objects and dynamic traffic: The carrier CVN 68 Nimitz and a lot of stuff on deck, 2 flying Helicopters over the Carrier, 4 Navy-Destroyers escorting the Carrier, 2 moving Destroyer based on a "Boats Traffic Plan which are traveling around the group, 1 moving Tanker,a Oilrig about 30 nm northwest from the Carrier with a landable Platform !! Seven F-18 Hornets as AI traffic, three F-18 Hornets based on recorded flights. For the re-play of the start and landing traffic, the tool FSRecorder is required. The tool is part of this scenery package. The carrier is built up as an airport with the code " CV68 ". For installation and more info see the documentation inside the zip file. For full carrier operation (catapul/cable catch) you need one of the two tools:, or both available at the AVSIM lib. CREDIT goes to :Javier Fernandez for his super great carrier model and to Matthias Neusinger for his excellent FSRecorder tool.


Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010, 12:51

Super, langes Wochenende naht, da findet sich sicher ein bißchen Zeit dafür....Dankeschön! :winke:

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