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Montag, 7. Mai 2007, 09:55

ActiveSky X von HiFi Sim !

Hello Leute !

ActiveSkyv6.5 hat sich ja auch damit ausgezeichnet dass es problemlos für FSX anpassen ließ und somit in beiden Flusis beste Wettergenerierung brachte.

Nun gibt es auf der überarbeiteten und neugestalteten Website von HiFi Sim tolle News zu lesen :


ActiveSky X

For the first time ever, Active Sky would communicate directly with FS without the need for any other interfaces. This allowed us to create more efficient and flexible routines and manipulate the weather environment in brand new ways. We are now fully controlling all the important parameters that bring you beautiful and realistic weather depiction to your simulated flights.

One of the cool new things that this new technology allows us to do is realistically simulate hurricanes! Our servers actively collect actual live hurricane data and provide it for Active Sky X client access during normal weather update downloads, either live or historical. These hurricanes are then depicted on both the graphical mapping system and within the simulator.

XGauge, included, is a brand new weather graphics and information display gauge that will bring the new graphical imagery direct to your cockpit. A simple XGauge Installation Wizard is also included to apply this gauge automatically to your existing installed FSX aircraft. Since XGauge is a true GAUGE for FSX, it can even be configured for use in the virtual cockpit of any aircraft with a little modification of the panel.cfg files.

A new weather configuration system allows you to configure every possible parameter to achieve any kind of weather situation you desire. From simply loading a preset weather condition and applying it to your local area, to explicitly editing cloud and wind layers for specific stations, everything is provided in one easy to use screen.

Many other features and improvements in weather simulation, reporting and control are included, as well as a comprehensive user guide and top-notch HiFi customer support.

In conclusion, Active Sky X represents the next step in high-fidelity weather simulation for Microsoft Flight Simulator. We appreciate the chance to show you a bit of what it offers!

- Completely new Design
- Made for FSX using the new SimConnect API
- Graphical Mapping and Wx Visualization System
- XGauge FSX-internal ASX wx imagery and information display gauge
- Hurricane Simulation based on actual live data
- Advanced custom weather configuration
- Online or offline modes with online historical playback feature
- FSX-integrated vertical air, turbulence and dynamic wx changes
- New server system with enhanced coverage and performance
- Hi-fidelity wake turbulence simulation with multiple dynamic wake trails
- Enhanced weather depiction logic
- Supports advanced integration with FSXE
- Enhanced route wx briefing with visual mapping
- Voice weather reports with realistic audio panel and power awareness
- Manual weather file download and save features

ActiveSky X ist och im Beta-Testing. Nach Veröffentlichung soll es 44.99 USD kosten bei 75MB Direct Download.


This product is in final development and beta testing and is planned for release very soon! Pricing, product information, features and requirements are subject to change

Und wie sieht´s aus ?

Klick mich für mehr Screenshots

Fazit : :umfall:


Donnerstag, 16. August 2007, 08:55


Für ActiveSky X ist das Service Pack 1 veröffentlicht worden.


HiFi has announced that Service Pack 1 for Active Sky X has been officially released and is now available for download by all Active Sky X users. Active Sky X SP1 is HiFi's latest full-featured weather simulation system made exclusively for FSX. The Service Pack addresses several issues, providing bug fixes and fine-tuning in many areas. In addition, over a dozen new enhancements and features are also provided to keep Active Sky X as refined and up-to-date as possible.

Download Ca. 11 MB

Gruss FalconBen


Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007, 09:14

Und jetzt gibt es auch Service Pack 2 für ASX und X-Graphics :luxhello:

Ab zum Support, will downloaden


ASX SP2 is now official!
This upgrade pack focuses on wind shifts and visibility depiction improvements, as well as fixing several bugs and adding some new enhanced functionality. In testing, an estimated 80% average reduction in wind shift frequency and intensity has been realized, with 100% wind shift reduction in many cases. New data smoothing, directional control, special FSX interface techniques and layer manipulation has finally made this possible.

With the new Visibility Graduation feature, the FS haze layer is eliminated and a more realistic visibility representation is offered. Visibility gradually clears as you climb to higher altitudes and returns to reported conditions as you descend. Fog layer Simulation is also offered which will visually depict areas of low visibility by injecting low stratus cloud layers.

This upgrade is offered completely free of charge for all existing ASX users, and the download is available now from the HiFi support page at…duct%20Support.

Active Sky X is HiFi's latest award-winning weather simulation system for Flight Simulator X and includes too many features to list here! For more information please visit the ASX product page at

In addition to the ASX SP2 upgrade, X Graphics Service Pack 2 has also been released which addresses some window layering/pop-up issues especially when used with ASX-triggered graphics installation. All XG users are advised to upgrade!

Und HIER gehts zum umfangreichen Supportthread mit der Revisionslist ;)



Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 15:28

SP 3 ist da

:rundum: Acive Sky X - Service Pack 3 released :rundum:


SP3 (B1160)


- Added new Wind Shift Stabilization feature (optional) which will detect wind shift/shear events and restore velocity/airspeed within 1-5 seconds, making even the largest shift events nearly transparent, and preventing autopilot failures, overspeed conditions, and/or airframe damage. This feature’s performance will depend on computer system and FSX/SimConnect performance. The faster the processor(s) or more available overhead for ASX (i.e. via networked configuration) the quicker ASX will be able to detect and correct wind shift/shear events.
- Added automatic visibility Destination Lock functionality when Visibility Graduation is enabled. When within 50nm of your destination per flight plan, your visibility will start transitioning and stay locked to the destination visibility. Please see “Important Changes” later in this revision log for information on potential problems with this feature.
- Added average wind speed/direction display in the Briefing Screen’s textual flight plan details (shows average for your flight plan altitude, and is computed via vector/component-based averaging for accuracy).
- Added new Wind Directional Limit display and user adjustment for use with wind smoothing. Please see the documentation “Using ASX” Chapter for more information.
- Added new handling of the directional data smoothing to automatically reset on initial FS location, location change, or flight plan load, so that departure wind data takes priority.
- Added new notification message during new route processing about wind smoothing re-synthesis of data (wind directions will change after re-synthesis completes, and the briefing data will automatically reload with a message to the user that re-synth is completed).


- Fixed problem where METAR reports not containing visibility values would cause improper function of the min/max visibility slider options and subsequent interpolation.
- Fixed parse issue where invalid METAR reports for pressure with the format: Q.1010 would cause a zero pressure condition. ASX now fixes these invalid reports automatically.
- Fixed problem where the Wx Configurator Apply button would not always update weather as desired. Things have been improved to update to the chosen weather within about a minute under all circumstances.
- Fixed problems with “cloud pops” (or clearing and rebuilding of clouds) by disabling visibility graduation and enhancing several cloud depiction processes.
- Fixed problem with “,” decimal number format causing flight plan import problems.
- Fixed problem where a date entered (or forced via sim time) was previous to January 1, 2007, or after today’s date, an exception error would occur. Now a popup message box will warn the user and automatically set to today’s date.
- Reduced size of aloft wind direction/speed/temperature text in Report Screen to prevent wind speeds 100 kts+ causing the last digit to feed down to the next line.
- Fixed problem with variable wind directions being reported/rendered wrong with wind smoothing enabled.
- Fixed problem with imported flight plans with no intermediate waypoint and a manually specified alternate causing unhandled exception on flight plan process.
- Fixed problem with some imported flight plans incorrectly parsing.
- Modified documentation to reflect new findings pertaining to SimConnect SP1 (It is ONLY properly installed with SP1 upgrade, NOT Acceleration/SP2).
- Again adjusted tooltip layering to prevent tooltips from being hidden behind main window in rare circumstances.

Important Changes:

- Visibility Graduation has been dropped as it has been determined to cause problematic cloud pop issues that cannot be prevented with FSX SP1 or SP2. We will re-visit this feature as a potential addition in future FS versions.
- Wind Smoothing has been redesigned, to now only smooth data as per the new data smoothing processes (when enabled). The option has been renamed “Enable Wind Data Smoothing”. We no longer implement depiction control techniques to try and smooth shifts, as this was causing unfortunate bad effects with overall weather depiction. With the wind shift stabilization, control techniques are no longer needed. In addition, FSUIPC v4.25 has now been released which now features incredibly smooth winds thanks to some tricks Peter Dowson has implemented. For the best in smooth winds, we highly recommend this product. For more information visit

Steht alles HIER

Und das SP3 gibt es hier



Montag, 22. Dezember 2008, 13:55

Und ein SP4 ist da

auch für X Graphics....



SP4 for both ASX and XG are now officially released.
Please visit to download your copy(s)! This is a free update for all ASX and/or XG users.

Revision information follows:

ASX SP4 (B1169):


-Fixed problem where an error would occur if a user attempted to apply custom weather while not connected to FSX.
-Fixed problem with VATSIM downloads when flight plan loaded would cause CTD/Crash of ASA with ArgumentOutofRange error.
-Updated support forum link in main screen context menu for changed AVSIM forum URL.
-Fixed problem with B1167 failure of SimConnect RC1 to be found.
-Fixed problem with B1168 causing exception 7 or 3 during connection.

XG SP4 (B301):


-Added support for ASA enhanced integration automatic snapshot generation

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof