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    • Now I've added another addon from AVSIM and it shows in the Scenery Library but when I hit OK I get the error message that the scenery is not found. It also shows a weird path with no drive letter attached, even though I added it correctly to the Scenery Library. This only started happening since installing ORBX. I don't understand why one scenery is working fine and another (both added after ORBX) is not.
    • I had to do a fresh install of my game because I corrupted my favorite plane being a moron.... only way to fix it was to wipe the whole thing clean. Anyway, upon reinstall I now have a terrible audio popping/clicking at regular intervals and also when I pull hard g's in some planes. I did not have this issue before, which makes this insanely frustrating.... FSX is starting to feel like maintaining a 30 year old muscle car... you fix one thing and then something else breaks...
    • More info...I installed an airport scenery today, which also shows higher in the Scenery Library, but is not within the ORBX area. and it is working,
    • I installed ORBX Pacific Northwest and it is working. However, a freeware scenery I added previously (it is within the area that the ORBX scenery covers) is not showing up, even though it shows as enabled in the Scenery Library and I moved it to the top (higher priority than the ORBX scenery).
    • Natural meandering of conversations.
    • Must be lonely on the FS2004 forum after all this time...
    • I truly wonder what any of these later posts have anything to do with the original post.
    • Necessary hardware for MSFS 2024 remains an unknown. I would presume the new software will seek to take advantage of the most recent operating systems and drivers? My current desktop upgraded from Win 10 to Win 11 without issue when 11 was introduced 3 years ago, with Win 12 planned for this year if memory serves. I can't recall all the times I've had to upgrade to a new PC over the 40+ years I've been gaming but reckon it will happen again sooner rather than later-lol
    • Went to run FSX after a fairly long absence and presented with this message when trying to run the game:     Not physically changed anything with the install since last running the game, other than any official Steam updates. I initally verified file integrity through Steam, no change then did a complete uninstall (including deletion of all subsidiary folders) followed by reinstall but getting the same result. Any guidance on fixing this greatly appreciated.   Edit: Fixed. For some reason there was a multicore entry in the Steam launch parameters, which I don't remember putting there. Deleted and now running okay.
    • That may be the flight I recall reading about years ago when searching for the shortest regular scheduled 747 flight.  It was over a mountain between two cities in Japan about forty miles apart, but to drive from one to the other was a tortuous mountain road 2-3 times that distance;  there was enough traffic to render a 747 flight about eight times a day economically feasible.  The plane would climb just high enough to clear the mountain then immediately start the approach to the other airport, and carried a full load both ways.  Wondered if the pilots considered this a prime assignment or the most boring flight in the airline.  (I searched for it again recently to see which airports were involved and found nothing, perhaps it has since been discontinued.)   But my comment was responding to the transoceanic flights - hour after hour of nothing but water and hazy horizon.  (Last such flight I did was a C-5 from Perth to Manila to Honolulu to Columbus.  I handled takeoffs and landings and let the AP do the rest, in accelerated time, as I watched TV.)
    • Airborne busses are fine, especially if you do short hops in them.  Think of them as city busses for slightly longer trips.  I well recall when working in Japan dealing with Komatsu Stamping Presses, doing exactly that RW.  On most days, every morning a 747 is loaded to the weight limits with shoppers traveling from Komatsu, which is a city on the other edge of Japan from Tokyo, to Tokyo on shopping trips.  When the seats, which were not reserved, were filled people would just sit on the floor in the aisles.  Then that afternoon, shopping bags full, they'd fly back to Komatsu in time to have dinner at home,    Those hops, which last about a hour each if I recall correctly, saves them at least a full days travel each way if using the jam packed highway system.    In fact, thinking about that, I think I'll replicate that flight right now.   I've not simmed it before.
    • As dull as it gets?  Especially when the autopilot handles 95% of the flight.  (And yet 20% of my hangar is airborne Trailways.)
    • But it does take "As Real As It Gets" out of the equation, no? 😋   (tongue in cheek comment here...)
    • BUMMER!  Who wants to sit out a flight say from LAX to Japan in real time?  No scenery except the ocean.   
    • Just wondered if there is any difference between the two versions? I have the old boxed edition bought years ago for the original (disc) FSX but now run the Steam edition of FSX. Did the Steam edition get any significant updates to justify paying the @£21 asking price or should I just try and get the original working?
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