Sie sind nicht angemeldet.


Mittwoch, 19. März 2008, 06:23


Es gibt neue Bilder und Infos :luxhello:


Thanks for your patience everyone. As requested, here are some fresh screens. These represent what will probably be the final VC. We hope you enjoy them. These are unaltered VC shots taken on a 30" widescreen display (2560x1600).

Beta 3 is VERY close to release now, but we have one or two issues to resolve before we distribute it to the testers. We very much appreciate your patience...

Hier gibt es die Bilder im Großformat. KLICK



so, nun hab ich meine Kiste so aufgemotzt das ich ohne probleme den FSX zocken kann, nun bitte her mit dem Jet

Leider muss ich dich da entäuschen.Die Super-Hornet kommt erst für den Fs2004.Aus diesem stammen auch alle Bilder die wir hier sehen....


The FSX version will not be available for some time.


Donnerstag, 20. März 2008, 01:53

Danke für die Bilder plus Infos

Aber langsam bekomme ich echt die ist der FSX kommen noch immer flieger für den fs9??

Nun bleibt also meine Hoffnung nur noch bei der Aerosoft F16 :banghead:


Freitag, 21. März 2008, 09:59


Neue Bilder des ebenso genialen Außenmodells.... :love:

Bilder in groß.(weiter unten im Thread) Klick

@ sir_roma

Kannst doch den FS9 neben dem FSX installieren... ;)


Sonntag, 6. April 2008, 20:29


The VRS F/A-18E Superbug is in the final stages of development and will be coming soon to one of our retail partners.

Last euch doch ne e-mail schicken, wenn sie rauskommt:


"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Montag, 7. April 2008, 18:54


Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt....


Hi folks,

Well it´s been a while since last VRS public update, and as many of you are requesting it I´m going to make a brief update:

- We´re currently preparing the B3 release. Right now all the features are finished.

- (As always) I´m not going to give you a date for the B3 release or the final release. All I´d say is this: the first event can be as close as days...and the second perhaps a few weeks later...

- A few things have changed in the VRS approach regarding to Superbug project. This has been necessary in order to be able to satisfy both casual simmer and the most demanding one. I won´t make further comments on this...Jon will explain all the details when he considers the appropiate moment.

All I can say is: it´s very close


Quelle: VRS-Forum



Montag, 7. April 2008, 21:21

naja, viel sagt er da ja nicht aus. Nur das wir bald damit rechnen können... das het er schon das letzte mal gesagt :D

Aber da die büxe eh erstmal nur für den fs9 kommt, dürfen sich die jungs zeit lassen :D


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 21:05


Ein paar Bilder bei Nacht....

Quelle: VRS-Forum


Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008, 10:05


Seit kurzem dürfen auch die Beta-Tester Screenshots veröffentlichen :luxhello:

Quelle: VRS-Forum


52nd Fighter Wing

wcf.user.posts: 830

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: Physikstudent

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 20:29

Qualitativ wirklich ganz große Klasse!
Wie sieht es denn mit den Frames aus?

Gigabyte EP35-DS3L - Intel C2D E8400 @ 3.7Ghz - Gainward GTX260 896MB - Corsair XMS2 PC8500 4GB - Samsung SMT220 22" - Samsung SM943 19"

Lars :tag:


Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 20:34

Servus Lars

Willkommen :luxhello:

Das sind Screenshtos der Betatester, das Produkt wurde noch nicht veröffentlicht. Daher auch keine Angaben über Frames verfügbar ;)


Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 20:39

Hi Lars

Herzlich Willkommen

Alle Bilder die wir in diesem Thread sehen stammen aus der FS9 Version... :thumb:

Also wird die Superhornet auf jedem guten PC gut laufen...ähh fliegen (sage ich jetzt einfach mal pauschal) :D


52nd Fighter Wing

wcf.user.posts: 830

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: Physikstudent

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 20:50

Danke für die nette Begrüßung :)

Also ich denke mal nicht, dass die F-18 framefressender ist als die Phantom von Cloud9.
Von daher wird sie wohl fliegen und das wiederrum heißt:
Pure Vorfreude :luxhello:

Gigabyte EP35-DS3L - Intel C2D E8400 @ 3.7Ghz - Gainward GTX260 896MB - Corsair XMS2 PC8500 4GB - Samsung SMT220 22" - Samsung SM943 19"

Lars :tag:


Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 20:57


Danke für die nette Begrüßung :)

Gerne :bier:


Von daher wird sie wohl fliegen und das wiederrum heißt:
Pure Vorfreude


Ich freue mich auch schon wie verrückt :D

Die Superhornet wird mit grooooooooooooßer Sicherheit der beste Militärflieger für den FS9.... ;)


Montag, 9. Juni 2008, 22:45

Hallo Lars, willkommen auch von mir! :tag:

Wo wird den die Box verkauft?Weiss das jemand?? :conf:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008, 06:11



Wo wird den die Box verkauft?Weiss das jemand??

Diese F-18 ist noch nicht erschienen ;)


Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008, 20:20


Original von FalconBen


Wo wird den die Box verkauft?Weiss das jemand??

Diese F-18 ist noch nicht erschienen ;)

Wann soll den kommen das Kindlein?? :D :D

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Balu der Bär« (24. Juni 2008, 20:20)


Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008, 21:17



Wann soll den kommen das Kindlein?? :D :D

Steht leider noch nichts fest... :sad:


Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008, 16:21


EIN neues die Wartezeit zu verkürzen... :bier:


Opps, a screenshot jumped out of my pocket...

Quelle: VRS-Forum


Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008, 18:15

Was ist da wohl an dem Seil dran, das rechts aus dem Bild herausläuft?


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Glocke« (26. Juni 2008, 18:15)


Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008, 18:25

Das ist ein towed radar decoy!


It is increasingly difficult to protect military fighter and transport aircraft against radar-guided air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles. Deception transmitters on board the aircraft are at their limits, especially when deceiving modern monopulse radars. But the missiles wouldn't have to be misguided by much. A distance of maybe 100 meters would already be sufficient to render the missile's proximity fuse harmless and to even survive an explosion of the warhead.

This effect is supposed to be achieved with small decoys that are towed on a cable behind the aircraft if needed. Their transmissions present a much more attractive target to approaching missiles. The idea, which looks simple at first glance, has been pursued since the eighties. However, only most recently does a broad application of such systems look probable.

As usual, the work is most advanced in the USA. Raytheon E-Systems has begun with the production of the ALE-50 system. Its development began in 1987 as the so called "Advanced Airborne Expandable Decoy" under a contract with the US Naval Air Systems Command. Meanwhile, the US Air Force has become the main customer for the system: 437 Lockheed Martin F-16 and 95 Boeing (Rockwell) B-1B are scheduled to be equipped with ALE-50, requiring at least 17306 of the decoys, costing $493 million.

When used on the F-16, the aircraft carries two dispensers with two decoys each on under-wing pylons. The B-1B carries two magazines with four decoys each on the side of the aft fuselage. This large aircraft would tow two decoys at the same time in order to generate enough deception power.

As a first-generation equipment, the ALE-50 only has one operating mode: to reflect and strengthen the hostile radar's signals, such hiding the real aircraft's radar return. As a result, the missile is guided at the decoy which is towed at a safe distance.

Newer generation decoys are already much more intelligent. They use threat libraries which allow for the identification of the radar signals received by the aircraft's radar warning receivers. A so called "Technique Generator" then generates specific deception signals, giving the hostile radar wrong information about the aircraft's real distance or bearing. The signals are transmitted from the aircraft to the towed decoy via glass-fibre cable.

The ALE-55, which is currently under development at Sanders, is such a system. It's part of the US Navy's Integrated Defensive Electronic Countermeasures System (IDECM) and is earmarked for use with the Boeing F-18E/F Super Hornet. First flight tests are scheduled for the end of 1998.

Since the ALE-55 decoy fits in the same dispenser as the ALE-50, the system can later be retrofitted. This is considered for the B-1B. Further applications that are being evaluated are the F-15E and also the U-2, for which decoys with larger fins for hight-altitude operations are under development. The protection of drones with towed decoys is under consideration as well.

While Sanders was successful in the USA with the ALE-55, Raytheon E-Systems has also developed a second-generation decoy, which was selected by British Aerospace in June of 1997 for the Nimrod 2000 maritime patrol aircraft. According to the manufacturer, the system has a much higher output due to its Northrop Grumman micro-wave modules.

In large aircraft, such as the Nimrod, a winch can be installed, allowing the retraction of the decoy before landing. Otherwise, the cable is cut, losing at least $10000 for each decoy deployment.

The selection of the Raytheon decoy for the Nimrod 2000 is surprising since with GEC-Marconi there is a company in Great Britain that belongs to the pioneers in towed decoy development. Already during the Gulf War was equipment from the Ariel family used with the Nimrod. Meanwhile, the Royal Air Force has begun to fit its Panavia Tornado F.3s with the decoys.

The Tornado's Ariel system has a technique generator that works in the H to J-Band. The decoy itself is carried in a Sky Shadow ECM pod. The system can be deployed between 270 km/h and Mach 1.2. After dropping the decoy, it can be retrieved via parachute.

GEC-Marconi is also working on towed decoys for the Eurofighter. Two units are integrated into the EF2000 right wingtip mounted pod. First flight tests in the subsonic speed region were already carried out with prototype DA2. For applications with French aircraft, GEC-Marconi has already signed a contract with Dassault Electronique.

Along with GEC-Marconi, Dasa is another European company that is working in this field. Following years of theoretical studies and simulations, a test model of the Towed Active Decoy was first flight tested on a Learjet in 1995. A smaller and aerodynamically optimized version was tested with a Phantom over the Mojave desert in the USA in 1997. According to the manufacturer, the tests showed "...that the deployment from the aircraft and the characteristics during the tow maneuver fulfilled the expectations even in critical flight attitudes."

The Dasa system has meanwhile accomplished flight tests on a Tornado. At the beginning of October, the system was operationally used for the first time during an ECM exercise over the Nellis test range in Nevada. According to Dasa, the decoy "proved its efficiency as self-defence system in a realistic threat scenario during several flights."

As a result of the development work, Dasa has now presented suggestions to integrate the towed decoy in various aircraft, such as Tornado, Eurofighter, and Transall.

However, the German air force has currently no concrete procurement plans. Possibly, a towed component might supplement the Tornado's TSPJ jamming transmitter during the coming decade. A towed decoy is also projected for use with the Eurofighter. Nevertheless, Dasa will have to continue the work on its own and look for exports until the German defence ministry makes funds available for the procurement of the systems.

Last but not least, CelsiusTech has begun with the development of a towed decoy under contract from the Swedish air force. Reportedly, this will also be an intelligent system which would be integrated into the BOP and BOZ pods used with the Saab Viggen and the JAS 39 Gripen.

All these activities show that towed decoys will supplement the ECM capability of many existing and new fighters. Raytheon sees a worldwide market potential of two to four billion US dollars over the next ten years.

Nichts anderes als ein elektronisches Störgerät, welches in einigem Abstand zum Flugzeug dessen Signatur nachahmt, und eventuelle radargelenkte Raketen ablenkt!

decoy---> Köder

:thumb: :bier:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008, 16:48


Es gibt neue Screenshots :thumb:

Quelle: VRS-Forum


Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008, 16:49

Die werken da jetzt auch schon ganz schön lange daran :shocked:


Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008, 16:51

Jo..schon seit über 3 Jahren....


Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008, 17:05

sieht klasse aus. Sie SH ist so oder so ein tolles Flugzeug... bin gespannt welcher der Flieger bis 2010 für den fs9 oder fsx auftaucht... ich hass es zu warte, hab ich das schon mol gesagt ? :banghead: :D


Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008, 17:06


ich hass es zu warte, hab ich das schon mol gesagt ? :banghead: :D

Echt? Merkt man kaum... :zunge: :D :bier:


Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008, 18:20

Also, AAR hatten wir ja schon und das ist auch in Freeware ziemlich cool.

Beste Grüße

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Glocke« (16. Juli 2008, 18:20)


Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008, 12:26


:luxhello: Ein Hammer Video ist erschienen :luxhello:


OK folks, I think it's time for another little tidbit. This is a VC demo showing some of the lighting modes available from the internal light console, as well our coveted VC HUD collimation technologies. As many of you are aware, the HUD represents the primary flight display in most combat aircraft. HUD collimation is the processes of keeping HUD information conformal with the outside world in response to pilot eyepoint offsets. When things like flight path markers and targeting symbology aren't conformal with the environment they represent, they are in effect useless, no longer representing anything of value. In a VC, with a track IR, collimation is essential.

This video was taken in FS9 at 2560x1600 on a P4 and captured at half size. You can expect excellent frame rates, particularly on dual core systems.

We hope you enjoy it, and once again THANK YOU for your incredible patience as we wrestle this bug to market.
Quelle: VRS-Forum

Video Download27.5 MB

Video - YouTube


Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008, 19:50

Falls der Link oben bei euch nicht funktioniert, müsst ihr direkt auf die Homepage und es von dort downloaden.



Dienstag, 2. September 2008, 23:54

Jüngste Info von VARMINT, den Admin des VRS-Forums:

"Release is expected mid November/Early December, but an exact date is still TBD as we're still working on some details with third party distributors. In the mean time, you're going to see some exciting video coming your way before hand, as we begin to ramp up the promotional engine in the next few weeks."

Seien wir also weiterhin geduldig.

Beste Grüße


Mittwoch, 3. September 2008, 08:08

Das ist ja schon mal `ne Angabe... kannte das Projekt bis heute gar nicht, aber sieht ja sehr cool aus! :thumb:
Gruß, Christian :thumbup:

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