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Mittwoch, 19. September 2007, 21:07

France VFR kündigt CityPack für Paris an


Nach FlightParis BasePack und AutogenPack kündigt FranceVFRnun eine Erweiterung für Paris an :

CityPack für FlightParis


Specification :
# Principaux monuments de Paris modélisés
# Héliport de Paris LFPI Issy-les-Moulineaux et son environnement modélisés en textures bâtiments et sol haute résolution
# 5 plateformes Hélipad atterissables (Val de Grâce, Hôpital Salpétrière, Hôpital Lariboisière, Ministère des Finances et Arche de la Défense)
# 37 ponts modélisés entre le périphérique amont et aval, dont 5 à caractéristiques particulières.
# Textures de nuit fournies pour tous les objets modélisés
# Objets 3D divers (péniches, bateaux mouche, hélicoptères, véhicules…)

Viele Denkmäler, jede Menge 3D Objekte, 5 Heli Landeplätze, 37 Brücken, Heliport LFPI, Nachttexturen, etc.etc..

Soll im September/Oktober 2007 fertig sein, FS9 Version mit FSX-Patch, 19,90 Euro


Air Berlin


wcf.user.posts: 1 162

Wohnort: Bielefeld

Beruf: Schüler

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Montag, 14. Januar 2008, 10:16

Und es ist draußen!! :luxhello:

Das City-Pack ist seit heute für 24.89€ bei Simmarket erhältlich!


Flight Paris CityPack represents the 3rd pane of the Flight Paris Series that comes as a complementary photo-realistic scenery to the FlightParisBasepack (required) and the 3D autogen objects of the AutogenPack (facultative) including the major monuments, buildings, bridges,heliports and helipads of the City of Paris.

This add-on provides you a great number of 3D objects meticulously placed on the photorealistic textures of the BasePack and perfectly integrated within the buildings, vegetation already present in the the Autogen add-on for Paris. This collection will allow you to realize a level of reality never attained before on this type and size of scenery. An update of the BasePack textures is also provided that enhances colors and sharpness.

In order to better locate your situation while soaring above the French capital, a detailed map is provided with all captions of monuments, objects and group of objects.

* Principal monuments and major buildings of the City of Paris (about 200 objets with photorealistic textures including des night-textures assembled in 60 geographical points).
* Paris Heliport of LFPI (Issy-Les-Moulineaux) and its environment modelled in high resolution ground and building textures
* 6 platforms of Helipad and their environment entirely represented (landing possible): Great Arch of Defense, Ministry of Finances, Hospital of Val de Grâce, Hospital of Pitié- Salpétrière, Hospital of Lariboisière and Montparnasse Tour.
* 36 bridges modelled within the Parisian Beltway, the most characteristics are faithfully represented
* The principal parcs are faithfully represented in high resolution ground textures (Champs de Mars, Jardins des Tuileries, Jardins du Luxembourg and Jardins des Invalides)
* A detailed map is provided with all captions of the scenery
* Map SIA - VAC provided for certain plateforms
* The scenery includes a complete up-dating of the BasePack: textures are sharpened and recolored

Viele Grüße,