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Freitag, 25. September 2009, 21:51

RAF Buccaneer - NATO Opengate - Low Level Anti-Ship


Hammer Film von der RAF mit Vangelis Musik unterlegt.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)



  • »hasegawa« wurde gesperrt

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Wohnort: Potsdam, Deutschland und Riga, Lettland

Beruf: Werbetexter

  • Nachricht senden


Samstag, 26. September 2009, 06:30

Der "Buc", eines der am meisten unterschätzten Flugzeuge seiner Zeit. Tragflächen nach der Flächenregel... Rumpf wie eine Cola-Flasche, excellente Tiefflugeigenschaften... und echt britisch. eines der letzten Kampfflugzeuge komplett aus britischer Produktion...

Ein schönes Beispiel für einen schulbuchmäßigen Angriff auf ein Kriegsschiff, so wie er damals möglich war ... in den 70er... 80er Jahren.
Andreas R. Schmidt
Potsdam und Riga


Samstag, 26. September 2009, 10:48

Die A.S. 30 Martel war für die damalige Zeit ne ziemlich effektive Waffe.


[7.2] AS-20 / AS-30 / AS-30L

Early production also used visual guidance using tracking flares and a pitch-yaw joystick, as with the AS-20. However, an improved version of the AS-30 was introduced in 1964, which eliminated the vibrating vanes and instead used four pop-out tailfins for guidance. A new semi-automatic guidance system was introduced as well, in which all the pilot had to do was keep the target lined up in his sight. The guidance system sensed the location of the missile using an infrared sensor, and the system's computer adjusted the weapon's flight path to keep it on track.

About 3,870 AS-30 missiles were built. Users included France, Britain, West Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, India, and Peru, though only France used the semi-automatic guidance system. Apparently a lightweight version of the AS-30 was developed to allow the weapon to be carried on smaller aircraft; what few details available indicate that it had a half-sized warhead and shorter wings.

* In 1974, Aerospatiale and Thomson-CSF began work on a laser-seeking version of the AS-30, the "AS-30L", using technology licensed from Martin Marietta in the US. Thomson-CSF developed a laser targeting pod named "ATLIS (Automatic Tracking Laser Illumination System)" and a matching laser seeker head for the missile. By 1980, preproduction AS-30Ls were being fired by French Armee de l'Air Jaguar strike fighters equipped with the ATLIS II pod, which was fitted with a TV camera to aid in targeting. First production deliveries of the AS-30L were in 1983.

Unlike the AS-30, the AS-30L has roll-stabilization and an inertial guidance system to keep it on track until the seeker can pick up laser light reflections. The improved missile's physical specifications and performance are otherwise very close to the original AS-30, though it is a bit shorter because of the blunt nose of the laser seeker head.

_____________________ _________________ _______________________

spec metric english
_____________________ _________________ _______________________

wingspan 1 meter 3 feet 4 inches
length 3.84 meters 12 feet 7 inches
diameter 34 centimeters 13.4 inches
total weight 520 kilograms 1,146 pounds
warhead weight 240 kilograms 529 pounds

speed Mach 1.5
range at altitude 11 kilometers 7 MI / 6 NMI
_____________________ _________________ _______________________

Bilder- und Textquelle

Hatten die Marineflieger glaube ich auch..........

Die Buccaneer wäre auch etwas für die Marineflieger gewesen, low-level kaum zu überbieten. Im Golfkrieg 91 flogen die alten Flieger ziemlich erfolgreiche Punktangriffe und beleuchteten mit ihren Laserpods Ziele für die Tornados..... :thumb:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)