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Montag, 18. September 2006, 21:45

News : ActiveSky und FSX

Hello !

Im ActiveSky Support Forum stehen ausführliche Infos über das Zusammenspiel von ACtiveSky und FSX :luxhello:


Now that the NDA for FSX beta has been lifted, we are free to let everyone know what the situtation is between ASv6 and FSX.

In short, things are already working with ASv6 SU5 and FSX Beta 3+ coupled with FSUIPC 4 beta.The great news here is that by all indications ASv6 will be compatible with FSX upon release. FSUIPC 4 will be required.

There are some limitations, as always with new version of FS, but we are already working hard to circumvent as many limitations as possible and provide proper FSX recognition and support within an expected ASv6.5 upgrade. This upgrade will be free of charge to all ASv6 customers!

As for ActiveRadar and ASGraphics... These are not compatible with FSX. We are actively working on replacement solutions that will take full advantage of new FSX capabilities, and they will most likely be offered as optional components separate from the base weather engine.

We are very excited about the pending FSX launch and are commited to taking full advantage of new FSX capabilities while providing great new features to enhance your weather environment. ASv6.5 will be the first step with many more continuous upgrades to follow. For now, we are extremely pleased to confirm to our users that the best weather engine add-on for FS will be compatible with FS9 AND FSX (and beyond!), and their existing purchase of ASv6 entitles them to the expected 6.5 upgrade absolutely free of cost.

Tja, wie gewohnt hervorragender Service vom ACtiveSky Team :luxhello:
Allerdings wird für den FSX das neue FSUIPC 4 benötigt. Ob es davon auch wieder eine Freevariante geben wird konnte ich nicht eruieren :hm:



Freitag, 20. Oktober 2006, 12:24

RE: News : ActiveSky und FSX

Dazu gibt es nun ein Update vom 17.Oktober im ActiveSky Supportforum :luxhello:


Hi everyone,

Just a quick update....

We've officially started internal beta on v6.5. We'll give it a good shake and make sure she's solid for public release. Hopefully this won't take long but we can't speculate on the exact date of release until it's confirmed ready. It shouldn't be too long now!

Thanks everyone for your patience and support!

Damian Clark
HiFi Simulation Software



Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006, 08:07

ActiveSky für FSX released / v.6.5 für FS9

Es ist soweit :luxhello:

Nun gibt es ActiveSky auch für den FSX


ActiveSky Version 6.5 has been released and includes full FSX support!

All ASv6 users can upgrade free of charge from ActiveSky Version 6.5 Upgrade ASv6.5 also includes FSX native flight-plan file import support, official FSUIPC v4 support, and several changes to ensure the best possible experience using AS with FSX. Of course FS2004 is still fully supported as well! Users having both simulator versions installed can easily run either one at any time with full ASv6.5 weather generation. ASG and AR, 2 bundled components that are included with ASv6 and v6.5, are not compatible with FSX due to significant technology differences which requires completely new FSX-based solutions.

These new FSX-based solutions are already being developed with more news and status on them to be made available very soon.

Hier geht´s zur Download-Page



Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006, 10:26

RE: ActiveSky für FSX released / v.6.5 für FS9

Hallo ,

mal ne Frage,AKTIVE SKY 6.5 ist dieses nur für FSX geeignet oder funzt das auch mit FS9. :hm:

Bzw. welche Version sollte man für FS9 kaufen. :hm: :hm:

vielen Dank für die Auskunft sagt jetzt schon mal

KLaus :bier: :bier:
Gruß Klaus

Mein PC:ASUS Max VI / i7-4770K @ 4,5 GHz/GIGABYTE GTX 760 4095 MB / G.Skill 16GB DDR3-1866 / WD Black 1 TB / Sys: 256 GB ForceGS /FSX: 500 GB 840 EVO / TM-Warthog / FSX - ACC / OS: Win 7 64-Bit


Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006, 11:00

RE: ActiveSky für FSX released / v.6.5 für FS9

Die 6.5 funktiontiert sowohl im FS9 als auch im FSX
Allerdings sind einige Funktionen AS im FSX nicht "vorhanden", im FS9 funzt alles ;)
