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Dienstag, 27. März 2007, 07:55

B-17 Wings of Power

Freunde der Militärfliegerei ,

für den F S X ist jetzt von Shockwave released das schreibt auch AVSIM .

kosten soll das ganze ca. 32 .- US $
aber seht euch das Teil selbst einmal an :thumb:


Wings of POWER II: B-17G Flying Fortress – Native FSX Version

Without a doubt, the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is the most-recognized and well-known aircraft to emerge from World War II. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which was an aggressive publicity campaign by the War Department, which resulted in the superb wartime classic propaganda film "Memphis Belle" (not to be confused with the modern film of the same name), and a year-long tour of the United States by the actual "Memphis Belle" and her crew.

But, despite the hype that was associated with this aircraft (Liberator crews sometimes groused about there being 11 crew members on every B-17, including a publicity officer), there were very solid reasons why the B-17 Flying Fortress holds a revered place in history and in the hearts of those who flew her. It was, first and foremost, a supremely functional and extremely rugged aircraft. No other aircraft to served during WWII has come away with as many documented cases of surviving extreme battle damage and making it home. Designed during peacetime, the aircraft was not rushed to the drawing board and emerged as wonderful aircraft to fly. The Fortress was a very stable and forgiving aircraft, truly a "pilot's aircraft" in all respects, and was a pleasure to fly. It can be trimmed to fly hands-off for any normal flight regime and, while slow to maneuver, is quite responsive to the controls for such a large craft. While aerobatics are prohibited officially, there are many documented cases of B-17s being put into spins, rolls, stalls, and other acrobatics by instructors and pilots who flew the type. Pilots who flew all of the major American bombers of WWII -- the B-17, B-24, and B29 -- state almost universally that the B-17 was a joy to fly as compared to the other types.

Production of the B-17, which totaled 12,731 of all types, was eclipsed by that of the B-24 Liberator, a later aircraft hurriedly designed with the single intention of getting as many bombs on target as possible, with little regard to aesthetics or handling characteristics. In fact, over 6,000 more Liberators were built than B-17s, a numerical advantage of 50%. To this day, however, the Flying Fortress continues to outshine the Liberator as the flagship of the United States Army Air Forces and a symbol of victory and American ingenuity and know-how. It was that kind of airplane.

Pilot Comments

"The B-24 is a truck. The B-17 is an airplane."

"The B-17 was designed for 200-hour pilots who came straight from the farm into flight training. It was meant to be as easy to fly as a four-engine bomber could possibly be. It's rugged, simple, and has a good temperament. It takes a lot to piss it off."

What's New for FSX

This FSX version takes advantage of many of the new features available to virtual pilots. The camera views and cockpit functionality have all been maximized for the most immersive experience possible, and the flight dynamics have been tuned to utilize the more refined handling characteristics of FSX, especially the force feedback.

The Wings of POWER II B17 has been built from the ground up to take full advantage of advanced features in Microsoft Flight Simulator X, including an innovative Shockwave 3D light system. You will find this aircraft to be a highly immersive and realistic simulation of the real thing.


Gruß Klaus

Mein PC:ASUS Max VI / i7-4770K @ 4,5 GHz/GIGABYTE GTX 760 4095 MB / G.Skill 16GB DDR3-1866 / WD Black 1 TB / Sys: 256 GB ForceGS /FSX: 500 GB 840 EVO / TM-Warthog / FSX - ACC / OS: Win 7 64-Bit


Dienstag, 27. März 2007, 08:36

Ich hab die FS9 Version, also eigentlich die "Heavy Bombers", kann dieses Teil nur empfehlen :thumb:
