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Montag, 2. Juni 2008, 20:48

Alphasim - Cessna 170B * FS9 only *


Langsam wächst die ´Civilian section´ bei Alphasim.

Diesmal präsentiert uns Alphasim die Cessna 170B (Infos)


New addition to the Civilian section - the Cessna 170B ! We've added a new section to our Store - the Budget Civilian Section. This super little Cessna demonstrates the type of models we will be selling here. The ultra-low price of $18 US Dollars gets you a suprisingly high quality FS2004 model. Veteran FS modeller Chris Lampard has provided detailed exterior and interior models of this famous classic GA aircraft - there is even a detailed engine which is revealed when the cowl opens. Many small details are present, even individually-modelled rivets ! The very low (by today's standards) poly count will be of great benefit to those with lower-spec systems who struggle to run the newer releases. The total download size is only 2.5 MB, textures are crisp, but small and easy to edit. Default sounds and gauges are used and there is no 2D panel - although this is not really needed as the gauges in the v-c are crisp and easy to read. The usual keypresses bring up the radios and other useful items. We hope this new approach finds ethusiastic customers as we have a considerable lineup of budget-range classic GA and sports models to come ! We also hope this will nicely complement the parallel range of state-of-the-art major civilian releases we also have in the pipeline. Something for everybody at AlphaSim !

Für 11.75 € im Alphasim-Shop



wcf.user.posts: 190

Wohnort: Spremberg

Beruf: Schüler

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 16. Juni 2008, 01:14

die sieht von der Form ziemlich wie ein Papp-Karton aus....

Aber danke für den Tipp, da ich ein Cessna-Fan bin werde ich sie mir warscheinlich holen, auch wenn 11,75€ ziemlich viel sind für den Flieger.
man springt nicht aus dem Fenster des 10ten Stockes, man fällt.


Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008, 17:15


Für die Cessna ist ein Update erschienen...


Version 1.1 available now for the Cessna 170B ! This new download includes an all-new custom gauges set, courtesy of Russell Howard.
