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Stop pumping the yoke!

  • »Magic« ist der Autor dieses Themas

wcf.user.posts: 5 972

Wohnort: Vorfeld

Beruf: Quälgeist der Luftfahrt

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Mittwoch, 14. August 2013, 15:12

UPS A300 Frachter verunglückt bei Landung in Birmingham, Alabama...


leider hat es ein erneutes Flugunglück gegeben.
Laut und anderen Medien ist ein UPS A300 Frachter bei der Landung in Birmingham Alabama verunglückt.
Laut Bürgermeister der Stadt Birmingham, Al sollen die beiden Besatzungsmitglieder bei der Landung ums Leben gekommen sein.

Hier ein Auszug der Meldung bei


By Simon Hradecky, created Wednesday, Aug 14th 2013 11:21Z, last updated Wednesday, Aug 14th 2013 12:58ZA
UPS Airbus A300-600, registration N155UP performing freight flight
5X-1354 from Louisville,KY to Birmingham,AL (USA) with 2 crew, was on
approach to Birmingham's runway 18 at 04:51L (09:51Z) but touched down
near the intersection Airport Road/Tarrant Huffman Road about 1nm short
of the runway in open terrain and burst into flames leaving a trail of
debris of about half a mile. The area has been cordoned off, the fate of
the crew is unclear. No people on the ground or houses on the ground
were affected.

Local police reported a large cargo aircraft
crashed just outside the airport and said - following the Mayor's
announcement of both crew having died - that both crew are still
unaccounted for.

The FAA confirmed a UPS cargo aircraft crashed
at Birmingham Airport. The FAA later declined comments on the condition
of the crew (following Birmingham City Mayor's announcements the crew
had perished in the crash).

Birmingham Shuttlesworth
International Airport reported a UPS Cargo Airbus A300 went down just
outside the airport perimeter fence, so far there is no word on the fate
of the crew and damage to the aircraft (repeated after the City Mayor
made his announcements).
Straighten up and fly right!
"Runway left behind and altitude above are useless..." Al "Tex" Johnston


Virtual ADC

wcf.user.posts: 249

Wohnort: Wien/LOWW, Donaustadt (Nahe LOAJ)

Beruf: Schüler

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Donnerstag, 15. August 2013, 08:57

Erste Pressekonferenz:
Liebe Grüße Felix :) :oesi:

Ich fliege lieber ein Flugzeug, nicht das Flugzeug mich.