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Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009, 10:35

IRIS Pro Series - Christen Eagle *FSX*

Moin :winke:

IRIS Flight Simulation Software hat ein neues Schmuckstück veröffentlicht... :thumbsup:

Die Christen Eagle


August 2005 saw the release of what is now widely regarded as one of the benchmarks for Flight Simulator Aerobatic aircraft in the form of the Long Island Classics Christen Eagle for FS2004.

Now, four years later, and with a gracious nod to both Kevin Lechmanski and Dan Hufford of Long Island Classics, the generous support of aircraft designer Frank Christensen, the Blue Eagles Virtual Aerobatic Team ( and the development team at IRIS, I have the greatest pleasure in launching the IRIS Pro Series Christen Eagle for FSX.


• Custom soundpack including new supersonic prop tip effects.
• All new 3D gauges designed from the Christen blueprints.
• Two visual models contracted by Frank Christensen and polished by IRIS for full FSX functionality!
• A superb flight model for the Eagle I and Eagle II aircraft, allowing users to try out both the kit sports biplane or the competition aerobatic aircraft.
• A wide variety of paintschemes and two paintkits aimed at ease of repainting by users.

This product does not include a 2D Panel and requires use of the Virtual Cockpit for all flight operations.

Für aufgerundet 28 € gibt es diesen Spaßflieger bei


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