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Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008, 21:27

Lockheed Cormorant

Ein Flugzeug, daß zusammengefaltet aus nem U-Boot geschossen wird, mittels Raketen-Booster gestartet wird, und dann unbemannt Kampf- und Spionageaufträge durchführt!
Nicht schlecht Herr Specht!

Der neueste Schrei aus den skunk works von Lockheed!

Vier Tonnen schwer, wiederverwendbar, und vieles mehr!


Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works, famed for the U-2 and Blackbird spy planes that flew higher than anything else in the world in their day, is trying for a different altitude record: an airplane that starts and ends its mission 150 feet underwater. The Cormorant, a stealthy, jet-powered, autonomous aircraft that could be outfitted with either short-range weapons or surveillance equipment, is designed to launch out of the Trident missile tubes in some of the U.S. Navy's gigantic Cold Warâ€era Ohio-class submarines. These formerly nuke-toting subs have become less useful in a military climate evolved to favor surgical strikes over nuclear stalemates, but the Cormorant could use their now-vacant tubes to provide another unmanned option for spying on or destroying targets near the coast.

This is no easy task. The tubes are as long as a semi trailer but about seven feet wide-not exactly airplane-shaped. The Cormorant has to be strong enough to withstand the pressure 150 feet underwater-enough to cave in hatches on a normal aircraft-but light enough to fly. Another challenge: Subs survive by stealth, and an airplane flying back to the boat could give its position away.

The Skunk Works's answer is a four-ton airplane with gull wings that hinge around its body to fit inside the missile tube. The craft is made of titanium to resist corrosion, and any empty spaces are filled with plastic foam to resist crushing. The rest of the body is pressurized with inert gas. Inflatable seals keep the weapon-bay doors, engine inlet and exhaust covers watertight.

The Cormorant does not shoot out of its tube like a missile. Instead an arm-like docking "saddle" guides the craft out, sending it floating to the surface while the sub slips away. As the drone pops out of the water, the rocket boosters fire and the Cormorant takes off. After completing its mission, the plane flies to the rendezvous coordinates it receives from the sub and lands in the sea. The sub then launches a robotic underwater vehicle to fetch the floating drone......

Die Bilder und den kompletten Artikel gibt es hier!

:winke: :winke:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008, 09:56

Wusste ichs doch .... :yes:

Irgendwann bauen die auch mal was für mich :pfeif: :kaleun: :opi:
Gruß Klaus

Mein PC:ASUS Max VI / i7-4770K @ 4,5 GHz/GIGABYTE GTX 760 4095 MB / G.Skill 16GB DDR3-1866 / WD Black 1 TB / Sys: 256 GB ForceGS /FSX: 500 GB 840 EVO / TM-Warthog / FSX - ACC / OS: Win 7 64-Bit


Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008, 16:59

:lol: :lol: :thumbsup: :bier:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008, 20:46

Mann, wenn die sowas da weiterdenken kann ich mit meinen krausen Ideen auch rausgehen :lol: