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Montag, 24. Juli 2006, 09:22

Noch ein Warbird : Mitsubishi G4M1 "Betty"

Hello !

Bei AVSIM gibts wieder einen interessanten Warbird :

Mitsubishi G4M1 "Betty"


File Description:
Mitsubishi G4M1 “Betty” twin engined attack aircraft. Multi res model made with Abacus Flight Sim Design studio version2, this model is specifically for FS9 (there is/will be a CFS2 version). The “Betty” was a surprisingly agile aircraft with a long range. Used to deliver a varied payload, ranging from single torpedo to multiple bombs it’s mission were many and varied. In truth it was often sent where 4 engined bombers should have flown. Animations This model has the usual surface animations, detailed landing gear and working cowl flaps and also includes the following: Co pilot directions: In use, it was common practice for the co pilot to stand on his seat and give the pilot taxiing instructions. This is reproduced by using SHIFT + E Action stations can be called by using the SHIFT+E+2 combination. Watch the crew spring in to action! Side door and ladder. This is actioned by using whatever combination you use for concorde nose raise and lower. Bomb bay: The Betty didn’t have traditional opening and closing bomb bay doors but a series of different fitted panels depending on what payload was being carried. This model is represented with a torpedo payload that can be seen by using the spoiler key /

Das klingt ja ganz interessant :D
Watch the crew spring in to action! Side door and ladder. This is actioned by using whatever combination you use for concorde nose raise and lower
