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Montag, 29. Mai 2006, 07:44

AlphaSim veröffentlicht Eurofighter Typhoon


AlphaSim hat nun den Eurofighter Typhoon veröffentlicht :yes:


This feature-rich package has it all : 10 unique models including the 2-seater, various loadouts (clean, AAM and AGM) and a high-FPS multiplayer version, highly-detailed textures depict the RAF, German, Italian and Spanish variants, a new and unique working radar system which has clickable targets with 4-parameter display and 3 radar modes, sounds recorded from the real Typhoon, a photoreal panel with 3 high-FPS MFD displays (incl.a moving map and animated weapons displays), a zoomable HUD, a first-class virtual cockpit with every single switch and knob authentically reproduced (rear cockpit v-c incl. on 2-strs), authentic animations for all control surfaces, drag chute, refuel probe, exhaust petals, pilots and more, a highly realistic flight model with illustrated checklist as well as custom afterburner fx. Texture source files are provided for repainters.

Hier ein Video des Produktes, das um USD 26 im Alphashop zum Download angeboten wird.
