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Freitag, 23. Juni 2006, 10:39

Flight1 und Airbus kooperieren

Hello !

Die News ist zwar schon ein wenig älter, aber trotzdem interessant und verfolgenswert.

Flight 1 hat bekanntgegeben, in einer engen Zusammenarbeit mit Airbus Military (AMSL) den A400M für den Flugsimulator umzusetzen :luxhello:


Flight1 Teams With Airbus

Posted: Thursday, June 8, 2006 - 19:52
Flight One Software is excited to announce today an official partnership with Airbus Military (AMSL) for the replication of the A400M military transport aircraft to be used in Microsoft's Flight Simulator. Following the success of the manufacturer-endorsed ATR 72-500, Flight One will be working closely with Airbus engineers and staff to develop an officially sanctioned version of the A400M, which will replicate in intricate detail this new airlifter for the 21st century.

With an all new cockpit for its type, the A400M cockpit will feature an advanced glass avionics cockpit featuring fly-by-wire systems and a Flight Management System that operates similarly to the Airbus A380. The advanced 3D aircraft model will include a fully animated aircraft exterior, as well as provide an in-depth virtual cockpit and a virtual cargo hold. As you'd expect, the Flight Model will be validated by Airbus staff to be as accurate as possible. Flight One have already stated that they will be "pushing beyond the boundaries of what has been seen in PC flight simulation to date." Flight One is scheduling release in the first half of 2007, and it is anticipated that all the new features of the new FSX version of Flight Simulator will be used in order to make this a fun, as well as realistic, aircraft to fly

Quelle : u.a. F1 Support Forum