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Montag, 1. Oktober 2007, 16:04

Alphasim - Bristol Blenheim FS9/FSX


Alphasim präsentiert uns ihren neusten Flieger aus dem 2. Weltkrieg.

Die Bristol Blenheim

Bild von Wikipedia

Wer Interesse an diesem Bomber hat,kann ihn für 21.50 EUR hier bestellen.

Ein paar Infos zur Geschichte der Bristol Blenheim findet ihr hier.


New addition to the RAF/RN section - the Bristol Blenheim ! Both the early Mk.1 'short-nose' variant and the better-known Mk.4 variant are both included in this extensive package. The full-spec FSX model and the FS9 model both feature six very highly-detailed texture sets with amazing paint weathering effects. The cockpit and panel is unique for both the Mk.1 and Mk.4 and a highly realistic Mercury engine soundset is inlcluded. Flying characteristics are carefuly researched, the actual Blenheim manual was used. Starting the Blenheim's engines is a real treat with amazing smoke effects coming form the two exhausts. Animations include the bomb bay, the top crew hatch, the gunsight on the Mk.4 and the crew can as usual be toggled off when not needed.
For FSX and FS2004 only.
