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Freitag, 3. November 2006, 09:31

Patches für Ultimate Terrain für FSX

Hello !

Im Ultimate Terrain Support Forum sind drei Patches zu finden, die die drei UT Produkte auch im FSX lauffähig machen :luxhello:

Patch UT USA

Patch UT Canada

Patch UT Europe

Un hier die Dokumentation wie der Transfer korrekt abgewickelt werden soll.


In retrospect, I am not sure that our time would not have been better spent working on the FSX only versions instead of these conversions. We ran into a lot of problems with getting the exclusions to work just right. The landclass and night lighting should work in FSX just as they do in FS9. The water is mostly an improvement, but there are a some visual anomalies that can't be resolved until the new versions of UT are released for FSX. Of course, you already know about the roads and railroads.

I am really excited about the new versions of UT for FSX, which are coming along nicely. But, I am ready to put 100% of our time into the new versions instead of trying to apply bandaids to the old versions. So, I don't ever plan on these conversion programs reaching more than a beta state.

A good amount of testing has been put into the installation and removal of these conversion applications. So, you should not have to worry about them messing up your FSX environment. When the new Ultimate Terrain versions for FSX are released, you will need to uninstall the converted versions.

Also, seht dies als "Übergangslösung" mit Kinderkrankheiten bist die echten FSX-Versionen kommen
