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Donnerstag, 9. November 2006, 13:04

ActiveSky 6.5 Update BETA-Build 536

Hello !

Im ActiveSky Support Forum gibts Neuigkeiten zu ActiveSky v6.5


A few isolated configuration problems have been discovered in the original 6.5 release and we believe we have solved them. Also added multiple .ini support.

This is a BETA build and should be used at your own risk:

From the revision log:

ASv6.5 B536 – ASG B193
1) Fixed problem with ASG potentially not showing its main menu when started.
2) Fixed problem with problematic “Application Data” path error on some systems when used with FSX.
3) Added alternate .ini handling by passing a single command argument to ASv6.exe which contains of the name of the alternate .ini file to load. The .ini must reside in the ASv6 installation folder. If the specified .ini is not found, the normal ASv6.ini will be loaded. This can be useful for storing alternate configurations for use during different kinds of flights or with different versions of FS.

Ideal für Simmer, die sowohl FS9 als auch FSX verwenden :luxhello:
