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Donnerstag, 22. April 2010, 12:16

Ankündigung : Aeroplane Heaven / Just Flight arbeiten an einer neuen Spitfire


Weitere News aus meinem Rundgang durch die Simmerwelt :)

Im Just Flight Forum gibt es Bilder einer neuen FSX-Spitfire die von Aeroplane Heaven exklusiv für Just Flight erstellt wird


Exterior models

* Prototype 'first flight'
* Prototype 'Hendon new types' (additional gear doors and a few other details added)
* Mk1 Early (two-blade Watts propeller, flat-top canopy)
* Mk1 A 'Battle of Britain' production model


* Prototype at 'first flight' - primer and bare alloy (to best reference available)
* Prototype at 'Hendon New types' 1936/7 Gloss 'Air force Blue' all over
* Mk1 Early: Four RAF Squadron schemes for the period including the Battle of France
* Mk1 A : Four RAF Squadron schemes for the Battle of Britain period
* (A layered tile paint kit will also be supplied)

Interior models

* Mk1 early with manual gear extension and 'ring & bead' gun sight (also used for Prototypes)
* Mk1A production type


* Modelled according to the most accurate plans available to achieve highly accurate profiles and shapes
* Specular and bump mapped where appropriate
* Fully animated flying surfaces
* Opening engine cover reveals fully detailed Merlin engine
* Opening pilot door and battery and radio hatches, with correct pull-out period radio equipment (production fighters only)
* Canopy can be jettisoned from VC
* Animated pilot with visibility condition (when panels are open).


* Completely modelled to portray the real cockpit in full detail
* Every switch, knob and lever works, most with bespoke animation code
* Shadow texturing where appropriate
* Correct hand pump gear extension in early versions

Hier die Produktseite, Preis und Release noch unbekannt
