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Montag, 26. Juni 2006, 09:14

Flight1 kündigt Ground Environment Pro an

Hello Leute

Um ein möglichst realistische "Umwelt" im FS9 darzustellen kann man ja folgendes Dreigespann einsetzen :

Flight Environment von Flight1 : Himmel, Wolken, Wasser
Ground Environment von Flight 1 : Bodentexturen
ActiveSky v6 von HiFi : Wettermaschine

Nun kündigt Flight1 im Supportforum etwas Neues an : Ground Environment Pro


1. Ground textures especially developed for parts of Florida, Hawaii, Caribbean, Tropical regions and parts of Asia.

2. New highly detailed rural textures for Europe

3. New highly improved textures for deserts, forests, mountains, grasslands and foliage.

Additional to this, GE PRO has a new advanced technology which enables you the user to be able to adjust brightness, contrast, color hue's and color saturation to the desired look of your choice.

One very cool feature and philosophy of GE PRO is to keep it simple, to this end GE PRO will if desired automatically generate new texture sets for you, these will be identified in categories for easy selection grouped as followed ;

1. sunny, bright conditions - in this mode the advanced GE PRO engine especially developed for us by Carl Hackman will make our textures look brighter and sunny there will be more contrast more defined shadows, more color saturation and generally a brighter more energetic feel.

2. There are a total of 5 types of weather related conditions to our ground textures. At the other end of the extreme, in overcast conditions, the general look and feel of the GE PRO ground texture is duller, bluer and generally has a more realistic feel to an overcast condition.

3. On top of this, sky; GE PRO has advanced technology to automatically generate or give you the user manual control for creating new original unique sky textures. You will be able to create as many sky sets as you like, all of which are unique.

4. The sky textures are also matched to the weather conditions, to create a bright sunny, or a dull overcast look. The advanced technology of the GE PRO engine can if desired match the ground and sky to the desired weather conditions. (We will later show you some screenshots to demonstrate this)

5. Perhaps one of the coolest features of GE PRO is the option to download weather metar information; this metar information is translated into an easy understandable language for the average user. You then have the choice to use this information to set ground environment to best emulate the current weather conditions. For those that like to keep it simple, the GE PRO metar engine can make this choice automatically for you.

So imagine this;

You fire up GE PRO, and you setup your flight, you download the current weather conditions, and GE PRO will automatically load the most appropriate ground textures and sky textures to create the most convincing look to the current weather condition. You then start up your simulator, download real weather and perhaps for the first time you see a vibrant dynamic look in game which truly creates the most convincing feel to your sky and ground environment.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and we will be updating our website soon with lots of screenshots to show detailed examples of the things we have just discussed.

Auf deutsch : GE Pro birngt neben neuen Texturen auch neue Technologie mit. Einerseits kann die Helligkeit und Sättigung der Texturen individuell eingestellt werden. Andererseits wird es mit GE Pro möglich sein, Wetterdaten herunterzuladen und GE Pro stellt passende Wolken/Himmeltexturen dazu und ergänzt sie mit den bestens dazupassenden Bodentexturen. :shocked: Und das alles in einem Tool.

Einige Screenshots der Programmansichten:

GE Pro soll auch eine Routine haben, mit der die mitgelieferten Wolken/Himmeltexturen deaktiviert werden können. Interessant für Besitzer von Flight Environment ;)
Über Kompatibilität zu FSX halten sie sich noch bedeckt, kosten soll das gute Ding 50 USD, Besitzer von Ground Environment bezahlen nur 20 USD :thumb:

Mehr und detailiertere Infos im Support-Thread, ebenso Screenshots.



Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2006, 10:39

RE: Flight1 kündigt Ground Environment Pro an

Nun gibt es bereits die entsprechenden Websites von GE Pro :luxhello:

Flight1 Ground Environment Pro im Shop

Ground Environment Pro Produktseite

Soll angeblich vor dem "Urlaub" von Flight1 Anfang Juli gelauncht werden
