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Air Berlin


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wcf.user.posts: 1 162

Wohnort: Bielefeld

Beruf: Schüler

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Dienstag, 22. Mai 2007, 14:19

Aero Calculator


Heute möchte ich euch das Programm Adacalc vorstellen, das u.a. Sonnenaufgands und Sonnenuntergangszeiten zeigt, einen Speedkalkulator besitzt, mit dem Windkalkulationen möglich sind und noch viel mehr!


Adacalc is an advanced and accurate aeronautical calculator including the following modules:

ICAO standard and non-standard atmosphere: high precision calculation of all atmosphere parameters, including standard ratios, up to a geometric altitude of 65,000 ft
Speed calculations: calculation of any speed (CAS, TAS, EAS, Mach) at a given altitude and temperature, based on exact equations (compressibility equations)
Changeover level for any IAS-mach pair of values
Descent calculator: based on a 2/3-step precise numerical integration of constant Mach then constant IAS descent segments
Density altitude calculation (with humidity correction)
Enroute basic wind calculations
IFR turn parameters: bank, rate of turn and radius at constant or limited bank and calculation of turn anticipation angles
Tracks and distance between 2 points from great circle, WGS-84 spheroidal and loxodromic (rhumb line) models
Latitude and longitude calculations from track and distance using great circle ans spheroidal equations
Radials intersection
Magnetic variation (from 2005 to 2010) at any world place calculated from IGRF-10 and WMM-2005 magnetic models (exact equations)
Sunrise and sunset UTC values (civil and official) calculated from accurate NOAA algorithms.
Unit conversions (distance, speed, weight, fuel, temperature, pressure)

For modules requiring latitude and longitude entries, an up to date world wide database is provided (including ICAO airports, navaids and most intersections).

Downloaden könnt ihr das Programm hier.Auf der Seite dann einfach auf Adacalc v1.30 klicken! ;)

Viele Grüße


Viele Grüße,


Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2007, 09:12

RE: Aero Calculator

Interessantes Tool :thumb:
Speziell den Descent Calculator werd ich mir mal genauer angucken
