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Air Berlin


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Wohnort: Bielefeld

Beruf: Schüler

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Dienstag, 12. Juni 2007, 13:27

Greece Rodos Diagoras International Airport

Hey! :tag:

Anfang dieses Monats ist eine Verson 2 des Flughafen von Rhodos vom GAP-Team (Greek Airports Project - nicht German Airports :lol:) erschienen.


File Description:
GREEK AIRPORTS PROJECT TEAM welcomes you to one of the most popular destinations in both Greece and the whole world. The new scenery of GAP, RODOS DIAGORAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (LGRP), contains all the newest modifications of the reformed airport as well as the foremost buildings like the new Terminal* and the modulations have been made in the area.Addition of many objects that shape a reality view in both the apron and the surrounding places.Correction of the coastlines.Addition of the villages of Kremasti and Paradisi.Re-establishment of the roads in order they show the area in a most realistic way.Buildings representing the main hotel zone of the southern part of the island, in the area of Ixia-Ialissos. There were used three-dimensional transparences allowing the view of the internal building spaces, especially in the night. The scenery has been designed and contains exclusively Gmax and 3Dmax objects, which – despite the great volume of the objects – is extremely friendly to nearly all the PCs, in normal conditions.

Den Download der Scenery gibts hier

Viele Grüße,


Freitag, 28. September 2007, 07:46




Greek Airports Project offers an update of "Diagoras Airport” of Rhodes. There were updated the parking spaces and added ground service vehicles of both the Olympic and Aegean Airlines, giving this scenery a more realistic view. At the mountains of Filerimos (about 2 miles easternly of the airport) and Paradisi (next to the airport) there were placed safety lights. The excellent vehicles (Olympic, Aegean, police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, baggage carts and vehicles, etc.) were made by Leonidas Theophilopoulos. IT IS REQUIRED THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY INSTALLED GAP_LGRPv2.

Hier gehts lang
