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Samstag, 29. Juli 2006, 08:40

Captain Keith's Louisiana Wetlands

Hab heue bei AVSIM ein interessantes Szenerie-Pack entdeckt :

Captain Keith´s Lousiana Wetlands Series Vol.1


File Description:
Who want's to "pass a good time" down on da bayou? With Captain Keith's Louisiana Wetlands Series Vol. 1, you can do just that. These FS Airfields are based on real-world private airfields that no longer exist due to coastal erosion and years of neglect and hurricanes, however they have been re-created for FS so that Louisiana’s “Air-Heritage” would not be forgotten and because they still make a great place for “Cajun Bush Flying.” This is the “base” package and includes most of the common scenery files and textures that will be used in upcoming releases and explains the rather large size (45MB) of the download. Because most of the common files are included in this base package, the future volumes will be significantly smaller in file size.

Auch in der Linkliste zu finden ;)



Freitag, 6. Oktober 2006, 09:19

RE: Captain Keith's Louisiana Wetlands

:rundum: Volume 2 ist nun draussen :rundum:

Captain Keith´s Louisiana Wetlands Vol.2


This all-new volume includes two highly detailed airfields located in southeast Louisiana. The first of these FS Airfields is based on Pass Manchac Airfield, once a beautiful lakeside airfield but it no longer exist due to many years of coastal erosion, neglect and hurricanes. The second - Slidell Airport which is still in operation today - was created using satellite imagery, airport maps and personal photos to achieve a high level of detail and realism.

HIER gibts sogar einen Video Trailer

Kosten : 5,50 USD :)

Eine Review dazu gibt es bei AVSIM



Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2007, 09:47

Moin moin,

Captain Keith's Louisiana Wetlands Series Vol. 2

Die Paywareversion gibt es nun gratis auf :luxhello:


File Description:
This previously released payware version is now free for all to enjoy! So common and continue to "pass a good time" down on da bayou with Captain Keith's Louisiana Wetlands series. And if you haven't already done so, don't forget to download Louisiana Wetlands volume 1 right here at

Download 42 MB

Gruss FalconBen



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Wohnort: EDDK

Beruf: Schulbankwarmhalter in der 10. Klasse einer Realschule

  • Nachricht senden


Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2007, 11:38

Hallo Ben,

danke dir rechtherzlich für den Tip. Immerhin sehen die Bilder doch vielversprechend aus. :thumb:
Um seinen Traum zu verwirklichen muss man nur aufwachen.
Wache auf, das Leben ruft.
Man soll nie aufhören zu fragen. (Albert Einstein)