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Chicago Bear

  • »Speed_Bird« ist der Autor dieses Themas

wcf.user.posts: 2 787

Wohnort: Kirchberg

Beruf: Zerspaner

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Sonntag, 10. September 2006, 13:40

PSS 777 SP2 releast

Hallo Flusigemeinde,

für die Besitzer der PSS 777 Pro gibt es seit 02.09. das Servicepack 2.
Zu downloaden bei Phoenix Simulation Software

Im AVSIM Forum wird aber irgendwie über Probleme mit dem Patch berichtet?!

Vielleicht hat ja schon jemand Erfahrungen gemacht?!


Sonntag, 10. September 2006, 20:44

hi Steve,

hier mal die Patchbeschreibung:

Issues addressed:

FIX INFO page and associated ND symbols added

FMC locks up related to vertical profile constraints entry - fixed

FMC Place-Bearing-Distance entry now accepts decimal point

Calculated takeoff V speeds now depend on OAT or assumed temperature, if entered.

DIRECT TO a runway CF fix causes immediate descent disregarding the MCP altitude - fixed

The FMC will no longer lock into descent phase when flaps are extended in climb.

FMC doesn't auto reset 30 seconds after landing - fixed

When coords are entered into FMC "ENTER INERTIAL POS" field, the last digits reset to zero - fixed

The PERF INIT page now accepts new cruise alt when in-flight.

Entering new DEST and executing changes on the RTE page now clears all route legs and reverts the AP to basic HDG HOLD + VS modes.

Initial VNAV descent speed is now the same as cruise speed.

ERASE prompt not displayed when DES NOW selected - fixed

Changing FMC destination airport will now change current FMC phase of flight to Climb

Setting aircraft on ground from flight using slew or FS "Go to airport" menu will now revert FMC phase to Pre-flight and reset the FMC route and performance data.

FMC route and performance data will now be reset 30 seconds after landing.

Entering a new cruise alt now re-activates Cruise phase of flight.

Entering a new cruise alt while in flight will always request the EXEC confirmation

Entering different DEST didn't display its name in DEST field until executed - fixed

Entering different DEST erased ORIGIN - fixed

When the FMC sequences to a DISCONTINUITY leg, the AP now reverts to HDG HOLD mode.

Pushing INIT REF while airborne didn't select APPROACH REF until cruise stage - now will always select APPROACH REF when airborne

When an arrival runway and STAR is selected, selecting another runway sharing the same STAR, without re-selecting the STAR again, removes all the STAR waypoints - fixed

FLCH can be engaged when MCP selected alt = current alt - fixed

If A/T ARM switch toggled off and on, the thrust mode remained blank even if a pitch mode was currently active - fixed. Appropriate thrust mode is now selected.

The AP DISCONNECT warning will now extinguish when the disengage bar is returned to the UP position.

Selecting APP with LOC active was arming LOC again - fixed

In FLCH mode, if the altitude selector is rotated thru the current altitude, the pitch mode will switch to V/S.

LNAV and VNAV can no longer be selected if there is no active route or FMC performance data.

Selecting GA during approach didn't disarm FLARE and ROLLOUT - fixed

VNAV doesn't engage when flying at cruise alt - fixed

Yaw dampers now automatically engage above 200ft AGL and automatically disengage below that altitude

If assumed temp was used to derate the takeoff, this assumed temperature was mistakenly used instead of actual OAT to calculate the climb power afterwards, resulting in really poor climb performance - fixed

The green reference EPR limit indexes on the EICAS engine display are now replaced with magenta Commanded target EPR indexes when under VNAV.

TCAS Resolution advisories, aural and PFD guidance implemented

The FSUIPC offset for SquawkBox 3 Transponder Mode C is now set when the transponder selector is at XPNDR, TA ONLY or TA/RA. It is not set at ALT RPTG OFF position

Transponder selector now defaults to STBY

Errors in fuel system logic fixed

Engine vibration readings adjusted

AOA limit indicator jittering on ground - fixed. Also the indicator is now shown only if flaps are extended.

WX radar tilt displayed on HSI doesn't exactly match the knob position - fixed

Pressurization outflow valves will now close in attempt to stop leak when aircraft doors are opened in flight.

GPWS TERRAIN warning sensitivity adjusted

PACK switch OFF light and PACK L/R message are now displayed when a pack doesn't have sufficient bleed air supply pressure

Panel switcher is not lit with instrument lighting on - fixed

Outside scenery window height adjusted

Button, switch and selector sounds added

When a lower cruise alt is entered during CRZ CLB, the CRZ DES mode didn't activate - fixed

Entering and deleting a speed restriction on VNAV CLB page results in ACT -1KT CLB - fixed

Climb and descent speed transition altitudes can now be deleted

MCP AP and AT lights weren't lit when IND LTS TEST selected - fixed

TRIM AIR now fails if there is no duct pressure

Loss of hydraulic pressure now freezes the flight controls; elevator drops when on ground.

FLAP OVRD button overrides both gear and flap callouts while GEAR OVRD does nothing - fixed

LNAV Turn anticipation adjusted

The FMC routes are now saved in FS/PSS/Routes folder instead of FS/PSS/Boeing 777/Routes folder. This is made to allow both PSS 777 and PSS 757 share the same route files. When routes are listed, the FMC will additionally search in FS/PSS/Boeing 777/Routes folder and list the routes saved by pre-patch PSS 777.


Chicago Bear

  • »Speed_Bird« ist der Autor dieses Themas

wcf.user.posts: 2 787

Wohnort: Kirchberg

Beruf: Zerspaner

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Sonntag, 10. September 2006, 20:57

Hallo Christoph,

Wohl ne Menge Zusätze für die CDU und weitere Verbesserungen!
Mal noch ne Frage hinterher, wo muß ich den Download für die Boxed Version machen?
Offensichtlich liegen da die Unterschiede...... ( siehe Avsim Forum )
Hab mir das SP1 damals von der PSS Page gesaugt und installiert, oder sollte ich bei JF saugen?


Sonntag, 10. September 2006, 21:02

für die leute die,die Boxed Version haben.Hier nochmal der Link zum saugen^^

SP2 Download


Montag, 11. September 2006, 07:44


Wenn ich mir die Patch-Liste so ansehe....wundere ich mich dass die vorher überhaupt geflogen ist :lol: :weg:


Chicago Bear

  • »Speed_Bird« ist der Autor dieses Themas

wcf.user.posts: 2 787

Wohnort: Kirchberg

Beruf: Zerspaner

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Dienstag, 12. September 2006, 16:58

Oh mann,

mächtiges Problem, weiß ja nicht ob Christoph das SP2 schon getestet hat?!
Bei mir geht die maschine nicht mehr aus dem TO/GA raus, obwohl VNAV aktiviert ist..... :hm:

Im PFD wird angezeigt, dass VNAV erwartet wird, aber es wird nicht aktiviert,
obwohl im FMC angezeigt wird "Act Econ Climb" :conf:
Blöder Mist, vor dem SP2 ging es ja Alles, da nützen mir auch die neuen Future´s nix........ :smash: :angryfire:


Chicago Bear

  • »Speed_Bird« ist der Autor dieses Themas

wcf.user.posts: 2 787

Wohnort: Kirchberg

Beruf: Zerspaner

  • Nachricht senden


Dienstag, 12. September 2006, 20:42


"That´s it"!


Calculated takeoff V speeds now depend on OAT or assumed temperature, if entered.

"Auch bekannt als "Outside Air Temperatur"

Jetzt ist es nur die Frage, entweder verstehe ich das falsch mit der Eingabe im FMC?
Oder Es funktioniert nicht!
Frage dazu prombt an anderer Stelle! An die Profi´s sozusagen!